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Snow Owl - Large 💙💜💚


Made from Moonstone, Yellow Mookite and Obsidian


These Owls are hand made with genuine crystals. These are not mass produced and are made with love and light. Gives off an amazing energy of inner peace, balance, tranquilty, and growth. Also Protects your personal energy in one's life.


Weighs 1000grams

Height 17cm

Width 10cm


What are the benefits of Moonstone?

Mystics the world over have used moonstone for meditation purposes. The moving inner light makes a good focus for meditation. Some believe the stone has a calming influence and can assist those wishing to enter a trance. Moonstone channels hope, sensitivity, tranquilty and abundance by wearing and placing Moonstone around the house. Associated with the crown chakra and divine feminine energy, this iridescent gemstone is thought to inspire intuition and psychic abilities.


What are the benefits of Yellow Mookite?

Mookaite promotes new energy and new ideas, helping one gain enthusiasm and bringing out the best in ourselves, brings kindness not just to ourselves but to others as well.  Mookaite stabilises the general health of the whole body and strengthens the immune system.


What are the benefits of Obsidian?

Black Obsidian is a glorious stone for power, protection, and grounding. It is a root chakra stone which means that it keeps you tethered to the here and now and feeling a sense of strength and inner confidence. It also keeps negative energies at bay and gives you the courage to face your inner truths.


Hand made by K. Morrison ©

Snow Owl - Large

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